

Our faculty members bring in millions of dollars annually to conduct research for federal, 州和地方政府, as well as a variety of corporations 和 non-governmental organizations. This funding is spread through fields ranging from psychology, 社会工作和法律, 到工程, 生物学和数学, ensuring both our faculty 和 our undergraduate 和 graduate student researchers have all the tools they need.

Our involvement ranges from promoting peace 和 underst和ing internationally to creating long-lasting bonds through art. We also engage in social entrepreneurship, providing funding 和 outreach 项目 that help identify 和 solve the problems of the homeless, minority groups 和 nations in need of aid.

The Chamberlin Observator, an astronomical observatory in Observatory Park against the night sky.


自1864年以来, our faculty have contributed to historic research across fields ranging from psychology to chemistry. When our country’s eyes turned to the stars, DU faculty developed the Gemini space shuttle program’s life support systems. As we grew to underst和 the impact pollution had on our planet, research Professor Donald Stedman blazed trails in our knowledge 和 measurement of automobile emissions. 今天, students 和 faculty collaborate to find new ways to fight Alzheimer's Disease, safeguard our ecosystems 和 create a better world for all.

140 140 highly prestigious awards received by faculty

$27m Over $27 million in research expenditures in 2016-17

60% 60 percent increase in research spending since 2007



伯纳德曹国伟, JD, 是一位副教授, the director of the law school’s intellectual property certificate program 和 the co-director of its Empirical Justice Institute. Chao is helping advance new possibilities for litigation through his work with virtual juries. 使用网上场地, he's able to condense an entire trial into 30 minutes, after which he observes user reaction. His work could allow lawyers to significantly improve their underst和ing of jury decision-making.



Our Kennedy Endowed Chair in Innovative 技术, 朱莉Sarama, 博士学位, studies how young children develop underst和ing 和 competency in math. The National 科学 Foundation funded five of her books, 和 projects with her involvement have generated over $30 million in funding. Professor Sarama currently chairs two large-scale studies funded by the U.S. 教育部.




研究处 & 赞助项目



负责研究的高级副教务长 & 研究生教育